Awards & Accolade

Awards & Accolade

ASRTU has instituted several trophies in recognition of best performance and maximum improvement amongst its members in vital areas of conservation of resources – diesel and engine oil, tyre, vehicle productivity, operational cost and road safety. These 15 awards are presented in the Annual Conference of STUs every year:

1. Transport Minister’s Road Safety Award of Best Trophy (Mofussil Services)
2. Transport Minister’s Road Safety Award of 2nd Best Trophy (Mofussil Services)
3. Transport Minister’s Road Safety Award of Best Trophy (City Services)
4. Transport Minister’s Road Safety Award of Best Trophy (Hill Services)
5. Award for Fuel Efficiency Highest KMPL
6. Award for Fuel Efficiency Maximum Improvement KMPL
7. Award for Vehicle Productivity – Highest Performance
8. Award for Vehicle Productivity – Maximum Improvement
9. Award for Tyre Performance – Highest Tyre Performance
10. Award for Tyre Performance Maximum Improvement
11. Award for Performance in Lub Oil Highest KMPL Performance (Mofussil & Hill Services)
12. Award for Performance in Lub Oil Highest KMPL Performance (City Services)
13. Award for Minimum Operational Cost (City Service)
14. Award for Minimum Operational Cost (Mofussil Service)
15. Award for Minimum Operational Cost (Hill Service)

In addition, ASRTU extends financial and Technical help to National Productivity Council (NPC) for presenting the National Productivity Council awards for best productivity performance awards. Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) also give awards annually to the STUs in the field of fuel efficiency.